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Training Resources.


Training Resources.

Brukermanual på norsk.

Her kan du laste ned en komplett brukermanual for MyAmesto. Manualen er på norsk og tar for seg steg for steg hvordan vi i samarbeid kan bruke kundeportalen mest mulig effektivt.


Welcome to MyAmesto.

This video gives a short introduction to Amesto Customer Portal.


How to log on to MyAmesto?

This video shows you how you use the invitation email to log onto the system for the first time and create a new secure password. You will find additional information on how to enable Multi Factor Authentication following this link: Enable MFA.


How to handle tasks in MyAmesto?

This tutorial gives an overview of how to use tasks to ensure follow up, and how to group the related information. This makes it easy to find all relevant information that is related to a task later on.


How to navigate in MyAmesto?

This tutorial gives an overview of the key functionalities in the Amesto Customer Portal, and how to navigate within the system. The tutorial also gives you an overview on what has happened on your company since your last visit. The main functionalities are explained in detail in separate videos.


How to add documents in MyAmesto?

This tutorial gives an overview of how files and documents can be uploaded to the Amesto Customer Portal, and how to connect files to find active and archived documents.